Stewart Sugg-搜索结果

  • 蓝月亮升起 Blue Moon Rising


    导演:Stewart Sugg   编剧:


      至於曼城将上季精华片段辑录成电影《Blue Moon Rising》,日前在曼彻斯特电影院公开放映,更於放映前大事铺张举办开幕礼,邀请领队文仙尼、阿当庄臣等球员及Oasis乐队成员Noel Gallagher踏着「蓝地毡」进场。

  • 小贼·美女·妙探 Kiss Kiss (Bang Bang)

    类型:喜剧片电影, 惊悚片电影

    导演:Stewart Sugg   编剧:斯图尔特·萨格

    主演:斯特兰·斯卡斯加德, 克里斯·潘, 保罗·贝坦尼

      Felix is a hit-man who wants out of the business. He takes up a job to look after a reclusive man named Bubba who is like a giant kid, he doesn't understand people and doesn't know much, never having seen the outside world before. But Felix has bigger problems. He wants to patch up his relationship with his ex-girlfriend, and he's being targeted by his old colleagues who are no...

  • 屠戮机器 Slaughterbots


    导演:Stewart Sugg   编剧:


      In response to growing concerns about autonomous weapons, a coalition of AI researchers and advocacy organizations commissioned this disturbing dystopian film. It depicts a disturbing future in which lethal autonomous weapons have become cheap and ubiquitous. This video was launched in Geneva, where AI researcher Stuart Russell presented it at an event at the United Nations Con...